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🛠️Development Environment

Development Environments

Spin up Mongo and Redis

For development, only two containers are used from docker-compose.yaml (opens in a new tab) (by deleting all services except for Redis and Mongo). See file docker-compose-dev.yaml (opens in a new tab).


docker compose -f docker-compose-dev.yaml build
docker compose -f docker-compose-dev.yaml up -d

Run the Backend

[!Note] Make sure you have Python 3.12 installed.

  1. Export required environment variables or prepare a .env file in the project folder:

(check out application/core/settings.py if you want to see more config options.)

  1. (optional) Create a Python virtual environment: You can follow the Python official documentation (opens in a new tab) for virtual environments.

a) On Mac OS and Linux

python -m venv venv
. venv/bin/activate

b) On Windows

python -m venv venv
  1. Download embedding model and save it in the model/ folder: You can use the script below, or download it manually from here (opens in a new tab), unzip it and save it in the model/ folder.
wget https://d3dg1063dc54p9.cloudfront.net/models/embeddings/mpnet-base-v2.zip
unzip mpnet-base-v2.zip -d model
rm mpnet-base-v2.zip
  1. Install dependencies for the backend:
pip install -r application/requirements.txt
  1. Run the app using flask --app application/app.py run --host= --port=7091.
  2. Start worker with celery -A application.app.celery worker -l INFO.

[!Note] You can also launch the in a debugger mode in vscode by accessing SHIFT + CMD + D or SHIFT + Windows + D on windows and selecting Flask or Celery.

Start Frontend

[!Note] Make sure you have Node version 16 or higher.

  1. Navigate to the /frontend (opens in a new tab) folder.
  2. Install the required packages husky and vite (ignore if already installed).
npm install husky -g
npm install vite -g
  1. Install dependencies by running npm install --include=dev.
  2. Run the app using npm run dev.

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